Bringing Back Old Beats: How Native American Culture Lives Today.

Bringing Back Old Beats: How Native American Culture Lives Today.


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Bringing Back Old Beats: How Native American Culture Lives Today.

Native Americans in the Upper Midwest gather at powwows and ceremonies. They dance, celebrate, and connect with their culture through music.

The drum, called dewe’igan in Ojibwe, is central to these events. It is seen as the heartbeat of the people, bringing power and feeling.

A high school in Hinckley, Minnesota, prevented a Native drum group from performing at graduation. This decision caused hurt and anger in Native communities.

The school said it was trying to avoid legal issues about religion. But many Native people felt that their culture was not understood or respected.

Native people are working to keep their traditions alive, including teaching young people about the drum and songs. They hope to strengthen their culture and ensure it continues for future generations.


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What do Native Americans do at powwows?

They dance, celebrate, and connect with their culture through music.

What is the drum called in Ojibwe?

It is called dewe’igan.

Why did a high school in Hinckley stop a Native drum group from performing?

The school said it was trying to avoid legal issues about religion.


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