A Hero Comes Back: Celebrating 80 Years Since Mesch, Netherlands Was Freed.

A Hero Comes Back: Celebrating 80 Years Since Mesch, Netherlands Was Freed.


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A Hero Comes Back: Celebrating 80 Years Since Mesch, Netherlands Was Freed.

Kenneth Thayer, a 99-year-old World War II veteran, went back to Mesch, Netherlands. He was there to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the village's liberation from Nazi occupation.

Thayer was a soldier in the 30th Infantry Division, also known as Old Hickory. This division helped free parts of Belgium and the Netherlands in September 1944.

Thayer remembers crossing the border into Mesch with his fellow soldiers. He said it felt like just another day on the front line.

However, for the people of Mesch, it was a day of freedom after years of Nazi rule. They welcomed the American soldiers with open arms and offered them food and drinks.

The liberation of Mesch is a reminder of the sacrifices made by Allied soldiers during World War II. It also highlights the strong bond between the Dutch and American people that exists to this day.


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How old is Kenneth Thayer?

Kenneth Thayer is 99 years old.

Why did Thayer go back to Mesch?

He went back to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the village's liberation from Nazi occupation.

What did the people of Mesch do when the American soldiers arrived?

They welcomed the American soldiers with open arms and offered them food and drinks.


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