USDA suggests new rules for Salmonella to make chicken safer.

USDA suggests new rules for Salmonella to make chicken safer.


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USDA suggests new rules for Salmonella to make chicken safer.

The government wants to reduce the amount of salmonella in chicken and turkey. They plan to make new rules for poultry companies to follow.

Companies will have to test for harmful bacteria and keep levels below a certain amount. If too much bacteria is found, the meat cannot be sold in stores.

Many people get sick from salmonella every year, even though companies have been trying to reduce it. The new rules aim to lower the number of illnesses caused by contaminated food.

Poultry companies will need to monitor for bacteria throughout their process. They will also need to take steps to prevent the bacteria from spreading in the first place.

These new rules are based on scientific evidence and aim to improve public health. The government hopes this will lead to a significant decrease in salmonella illnesses, similar to what happened with E. coli.


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What does the government want to reduce in chicken and turkey?

The government wants to reduce the amount of salmonella.

What will companies have to do under the new rules?

Companies will have to test for harmful bacteria and keep levels below a certain amount.

Why are the new rules being made?

The new rules aim to lower the number of illnesses caused by contaminated food.


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