Tommy Hilfigerio jūrinės mados fiesta ant nebenaudojamo keltų.

Tommy Hilfigerio jūrinės mados fiesta ant nebenaudojamo keltų.


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Tommy Hilfigerio jūrinės mados fiesta ant nebenaudojamo keltų.

Tommy Hilfiger sure loves New York City. He showed his new clothes on a big boat, like a party! There was music and dancing, it was a lot of fun for everyone.

Famous rappers came to sing, even Wu-Tang Clan was there. Music was very good, everybody danced and sang along.

The boat used to be a ferry, taking people to Staten Island. Now it's retired, but Tommy brought it back to life for his show!

The clothes were very nautical, with stripes and comfy pants. Think sailors and college students, but with a cool, modern twist.

Everyone had a good time, drinking champagne and eating snacks. Even famous actress Brooke Shields was there, her daughter was a model!


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Ką Tommy Hilfiger parodė dideliame laive?

Jis parodė savo naujus drabužius.

Kas dainavo renginyje?

Famous rappers, net Wu-Tang Clan buvo ten.

Koks buvo laivas anksčiau?

Laivas anksčiau buvo keltu, vežančiu žmones į Staten Island.


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