FDA approves new blood test for checking colon cancer.

FDA approves new blood test for checking colon cancer.


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FDA approves new blood test for checking colon cancer.

The U.S. just approved a new blood test that can find colon cancer. This test is the first of its kind and could help save lives by finding cancer earlier.

The test is called Shield and is made by Guardant. It is for adults aged 45 and older who are at average risk for colon cancer.

Shield is not meant to replace colonoscopies, which are still the best way to find colon cancer. However, it gives people a way to get screened without needing a procedure.

The test looks for small pieces of DNA from cancer cells in the blood. In studies, Shield found 83% of colon cancers, which is similar to other types of tests.

Many people avoid getting screened for colon cancer because the preparation for a colonoscopy can be difficult. This new blood test is much easier to do and may help more people get screened.


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What is the name of the new blood test for colon cancer?

The test is called Shield.

Who is the Shield test for?

It is for adults aged 45 and older who are at average risk for colon cancer.

How does the Shield test work?

The test looks for small pieces of DNA from cancer cells in the blood.


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