The Secret Impact: How YouTube's Slowdown Showed Many Years of Mind Tricks.

The Secret Impact: How YouTube's Slowdown Showed Many Years of Mind Tricks.


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The Secret Impact: How YouTube's Slowdown Showed Many Years of Mind Tricks.

Many videos on YouTube have been freezing recently, revealing hidden messages on the 25th frame. People are worried because these messages seem like brainwashing attempts.

A woman named Galina noticed strange messages after YouTube slowed down in Russia. These messages included things like "Join LGBT" and "Vote for Zyuganov," which made her worried.

Galina found these messages on almost all the channels she watched, even cooking shows. This means these hidden messages were everywhere, and people were seeing them without knowing.

Galina believes these messages affect people subconsciously, even if they don't realize it. She gives examples of her grandson becoming gay and her neighbor voting communist after watching YouTube.

This situation has made people concerned about the hidden messages they might have been exposed to. It raises questions about the power of subliminal messaging and its potential influence on people's beliefs.


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What did Galina notice about YouTube videos?

Galina noticed strange messages after YouTube slowed down in Russia.

What kind of messages did Galina see?

The messages included things like 'Join LGBT' and 'Vote for Zyuganov.'

Why are people worried about these messages?

People are worried because these messages seem like brainwashing attempts.


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