The Dance of Dignity: Jean-Jacques Le Cocq's Controversial Comments on Brigitte Macron.

The Dance of Dignity: Jean-Jacques Le Cocq's Controversial Comments on Brigitte Macron.


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The Dance of Dignity: Jean-Jacques Le Cocq's Controversial Comments on Brigitte Macron.

Jean-Jacques Le Coq, the dance expert for government events, talked about Mrs. Brigitte Macron's dancing. He said she is a good person but not a very good dancer, and this made French people worried.

Mr. Le Coq made these comments before a big event at the Palace of Versailles. At the event, the President of France and his wife dance while holding wine glasses, which is a tradition.

People believe that if the President and his wife dance well, good things will happen in France. But if they drop their wine glasses while dancing, it is seen as a bad sign, like it happened in 1968.

Mr. Le Coq's comments worried people, and they asked him to explain what he meant. He said Mrs. Macron might be thinking too much about her role as First Lady and about France, which affects her dancing.

It seems like Mr. Le Coq believes that Mrs. Macron's responsibilities might be making her nervous while dancing. It is unclear if he thinks she will drop the wine glass during the event.


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What did Jean-Jacques Le Coq say about Mrs. Brigitte Macron's dancing?

He said she is a good person but not a very good dancer.

What happens if the President and his wife dance well?

People believe that good things will happen in France.

Why are people worried about Mrs. Macron's dancing?

They think her responsibilities as First Lady might make her nervous while dancing.


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