Biden responds as president to Hurricane Milton.

Biden responds as president to Hurricane Milton.


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Biden responds as president to Hurricane Milton.

US President Joe Biden decided to personally stop Hurricane Milton in Florida. He believes that only he has the power to stop it right now.

During a press conference about taxes, Biden suddenly changed the topic to more urgent problems. He said that some problems need to be solved immediately.

Biden declared that only he has enough power and determination to fight the category five hurricane. He emphasized that dealing with the hurricane is a presidential-level task while taxes can wait.

After the announcement, Biden left the room but returned confused after two minutes. His assistants had to escort him out.

Media outlets noticed that while Biden showed willingness to fight the hurricane, former President Donald Trump refused to help. Trump decided to leave his Florida residence, Mar-a-Lago, instead of supporting the current administration.


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What did President Biden decide to do about Hurricane Milton?

He decided to personally stop Hurricane Milton in Florida.

What did Biden say about the urgency of problems?

He said that some problems need to be solved immediately.

What did former President Trump do during the hurricane situation?

Trump decided to leave his Florida residence, Mar-a-Lago, instead of supporting the current administration.


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