Teaching the Skies: How Conservationists Help the Northern Bald Ibis Learn to Migrate Again.

Teaching the Skies: How Conservationists Help the Northern Bald Ibis Learn to Migrate Again.


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Teaching the Skies: How Conservationists Help the Northern Bald Ibis Learn to Migrate Again.

Scientists are helping a special bird called the northern bald ibis to migrate. These birds were almost extinct, but scientists are teaching them how to fly long distances again.

The northern bald ibis used to live in many places, but people hunted them for food. Now, scientists are trying to bring them back to Europe.

Baby birds don't know how to migrate, so scientists are acting like their parents. They teach the birds to follow them on a small airplane.

The scientists fly slowly in the plane, and the birds follow them in a big group. They are learning to fly from Germany to Spain, where it is warmer in the winter.

This is a long journey, and it can take many days. But the scientists hope that by teaching these birds, they can help other endangered birds to migrate too.


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What are scientists helping the northern bald ibis to do?

Scientists are helping the northern bald ibis to migrate.

Why are scientists teaching baby birds to fly?

Scientists are teaching baby birds to fly because they don't know how to migrate.

Where are the birds learning to fly from and to?

The birds are learning to fly from Germany to Spain.


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