World reacts to Mpox: Quick action needed to stop outbreaks.

World reacts to Mpox: Quick action needed to stop outbreaks.


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World reacts to Mpox: Quick action needed to stop outbreaks.

The World Health Organization has declared the mpox outbreaks in Africa a global emergency. This means urgent action is needed to stop the virus from spreading.

Mpox, also called monkeypox, spreads through close contact with infected people or their things. It causes skin sores, but it spreads much slower than COVID-19.

Experts say to avoid close contact with people who have mpox sores and to wash your hands often. They also say that the risk of mpox spreading widely in countries without outbreaks is low.

Unlike with COVID-19, there are vaccines and treatments for mpox. This means we have tools to stop the virus if we act quickly.

Most mpox cases and deaths are in Congo, where they need vaccines. Helping Congo fight mpox will protect everyone from the virus.


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What has the World Health Organization declared about mpox outbreaks?

The World Health Organization has declared the mpox outbreaks in Africa a global emergency.

How does mpox spread?

Mpox spreads through close contact with infected people or their things.

What can help stop the spread of mpox?

Vaccines and treatments for mpox can help stop the virus if we act quickly.


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