Astronomers ask for one moon clock to help plan future moon trips.

Astronomers ask for one moon clock to help plan future moon trips.


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Astronomers ask for one moon clock to help plan future moon trips.

Astronomers want to give the moon its own clock because time moves a little faster there. This is important for future space missions so everyone can know the time on the moon.

The International Astronomical Union wants space organizations to work together on this clock. They want to make sure everyone is using the same time on the moon.

Time goes faster on the moon because it has less gravity than Earth. Right now, space missions use the time from the country that sent them.

The European Space Agency and the White House want a moon clock soon. They have given deadlines for coming up with a plan.

Scientists are still figuring out exactly how this moon clock will work. But everyone agrees it is important to have one.


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Why do astronomers want to give the moon its own clock?

Because time moves a little faster on the moon, and this is important for future space missions.

Who wants space organizations to work together on the moon clock?

The International Astronomical Union wants space organizations to work together on this clock.

What is the reason time goes faster on the moon?

Time goes faster on the moon because it has less gravity than Earth.


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