"Raw Milk Becomes More Popular Despite Health Risks and Bird Flu in Dairy Cows".

"Raw Milk Becomes More Popular Despite Health Risks and Bird Flu in Dairy Cows".


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"Raw Milk Becomes More Popular Despite Health Risks and Bird Flu in Dairy Cows".

Raw milk sales are increasing, even though it can be dangerous to drink. This is happening despite warnings from health experts and a bird flu outbreak in cows.

The CDC says raw milk can have germs that make people sick. They say it is one of the riskiest foods to drink.

The bird flu virus has been found in raw milk from infected cows. But, milk sold in stores is safe because it is pasteurized, which kills the virus.

Even though it's risky, some people still choose to drink raw milk. They believe it is healthier and don't trust the government's warnings.

Health experts are worried about this trend and want people to understand the risks. They suggest sharing positive information about pasteurized milk to encourage people to choose a safer option.


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Why are raw milk sales increasing despite the dangers?

Some people believe it is healthier and do not trust the government's warnings.

What does the CDC say about raw milk?

The CDC says raw milk can have germs that make people sick and is one of the riskiest foods to drink.

How can people avoid the risk of bird flu from raw milk?

People can avoid the risk of bird flu by choosing pasteurized milk, which kills the virus.


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