Elephants use special names to talk to each other in the wild.
African elephants can call each other by name, which is unusual for wild animals. This means they can make special sounds that other elephants recognize as their names.
Scientists think this is because elephants live in big families that sometimes split up. Using names helps them find each other again, like saying, 'Come here, Sarah!'
Only a few other animals use names, such as humans, dolphins, and parrots. These animals are all very smart and can learn new sounds throughout their lives.
Scientists studied elephant sounds in Kenya and found that they could predict which elephant was being called to. They think this is because the calls included the elephant's name.
Elephants also responded more excitedly when they heard recordings of their own names. This shows that names are important for communication between elephants.
Can African elephants call each other by name?
Yes, African elephants can call each other by name.
Why do elephants use names?
Elephants use names to help find each other again, like saying, 'Come here, Sarah!'.
Which other animals can use names?
Only a few other animals use names, such as humans, dolphins, and parrots.
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