A Quarter of Freshwater Species Are at Risk of Extinction.

A Quarter of Freshwater Species Are at Risk of Extinction.


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A Quarter of Freshwater Species Are at Risk of Extinction.

Many animals that live in freshwater are in danger. This means almost one in four of these animals might disappear forever.

Freshwater places like rivers and lakes are important for animals. Even though they don't cover much of the Earth, many animals live there.

Scientists looked at many kinds of freshwater animals like fish and crabs. They found that these animals are in danger from pollution, dams, and other problems.

These problems are hurting freshwater animals all over the world. This is the first time scientists have studied this problem so closely.

Rivers and wetlands are easily harmed by pollution and other problems. When these places are polluted, the animals that live there have nowhere else to go.


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What is happening to many freshwater animals?

Many freshwater animals are in danger and might disappear forever.

Why are rivers and lakes important for animals?

Rivers and lakes are important because many animals live there, even though they don't cover much of the Earth.

What problems are hurting freshwater animals?

Pollution, dams, and other problems are hurting freshwater animals.


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