WHO declares monkeypox outbreaks in Africa a global emergency due to increasing cases and deaths.

WHO declares monkeypox outbreaks in Africa a global emergency due to increasing cases and deaths.


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WHO declares monkeypox outbreaks in Africa a global emergency due to increasing cases and deaths.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has said that the mpox outbreaks in Africa are a global emergency. This means that the outbreaks are a serious threat to health and could spread to other countries.

The WHO is worried because there are now more than 14,000 cases of mpox in Africa, and over 500 people have died. Most of the cases and deaths are in Congo, where a new and more deadly form of the virus is spreading.

The new form of mpox is different from the one that spread around the world in 2022. It can be harder to spot because it causes milder symptoms and lesions on the genitals.

Children are being hit hard by the mpox outbreaks in Africa. In Congo, 70% of cases and 85% of deaths are in children under 15 years old.

The WHO is calling for more help for African countries to fight the mpox outbreaks. This includes providing vaccines, tests, and treatments.


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What has the WHO said about mpox outbreaks in Africa?

The WHO has said that the mpox outbreaks in Africa are a global emergency.

How many cases of mpox are there in Africa?

There are more than 14,000 cases of mpox in Africa.

Who is mostly affected by the mpox outbreaks in Congo?

Children under 15 years old are mostly affected, with 70% of cases and 85% of deaths in this age group.


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