Webb Space Telescope takes beautiful picture of galaxies that are twisted together.

Webb Space Telescope takes beautiful picture of galaxies that are twisted together.


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Webb Space Telescope takes beautiful picture of galaxies that are twisted together.

The Webb Space Telescope took amazing pictures of two galaxies far away. These galaxies are surrounded by stars and gas and look very beautiful.

The pictures were shared on the second anniversary of Webb's work. These two galaxies are called Penguin and Egg and are very close to each other.

Penguin and Egg have been dancing around each other for a very long time. They will eventually become one big galaxy, just like our own Milky Way will with Andromeda.

The Webb Telescope is the most powerful telescope ever built. It was launched in 2021 and started taking pictures in 2022.

Webb is very far from Earth and helps us see the universe in a new way. It has changed how we understand space in just two years.


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What did the Webb Space Telescope take pictures of?

The Webb Space Telescope took pictures of two galaxies far away.

What are the names of the two galaxies?

The two galaxies are called Penguin and Egg.

When was the Webb Telescope launched?

The Webb Telescope was launched in 2021.


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