Nobel Prize given for groundbreaking discovery of microRNA and its use in treating diseases.

Nobel Prize given for groundbreaking discovery of microRNA and its use in treating diseases.


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Nobel Prize given for groundbreaking discovery of microRNA and its use in treating diseases.

Two scientists, Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun, won a big prize for their work on tiny parts of our cells. These tiny parts, called microRNA, act like switches that can turn other parts of the cell on or off.

Understanding how these switches work could help us treat diseases like cancer in the future. Right now, scientists are still learning about microRNA, but it's a very exciting discovery.

Ambros and Ruvkun made their discovery while studying worms. They found that microRNA plays a big role in how all living things grow and change.

This discovery was a big surprise to scientists because they didn't know these tiny parts of the cell existed! Now, scientists are trying to figure out how to use microRNA to create new medicines.

This discovery is important because it shows how important basic science research is. By studying the smallest parts of our cells, we can make big discoveries that could help a lot of people.


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Who won a big prize for their work?

Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun won a big prize for their work.

What do microRNA do in our cells?

MicroRNA act like switches that can turn other parts of the cell on or off.

Why is the discovery of microRNA important?

The discovery is important because it shows how basic science research can lead to big discoveries that may help treat diseases.


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