Canada and Cyprus work together to help women and children during global displacement.

Canada and Cyprus work together to help women and children during global displacement.


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Canada and Cyprus work together to help women and children during global displacement.

Canada is learning from Cyprus about helping women and children who are migrants or fleeing conflict. Cyprus has a lot of experience with this, especially after helping people leave Lebanon in 2006 and Sudan more recently.

Canadian Ambassador Jacqueline O'Neill met with Cypriot officials to understand how Canada can better help its citizens return home after evacuations. This includes providing things like medical care, safe spaces for women, and making sure their needs are met during the process.

O'Neill emphasized that keeping people safe during repatriation isn't just about putting them in one place. It's about understanding and addressing their specific needs, especially those of vulnerable groups.

The Canadian envoy also met with women's groups in Cyprus who want to be more involved in peace talks to resolve the island's long-standing division. O'Neill highlighted that peace agreements are more likely to last when women participate in the negotiations.

She explained that women bring valuable perspectives and experiences to peace processes, which can lead to better decisions. When those most affected by decisions have a say in making them, the whole process is strengthened.


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What is Canada learning from Cyprus?

Canada is learning from Cyprus about helping women and children who are migrants or fleeing conflict.

Who did Canadian Ambassador Jacqueline O'Neill meet with?

She met with Cypriot officials and women's groups in Cyprus.

Why is it important for women to be involved in peace talks?

Women bring valuable perspectives and experiences to peace processes, which can lead to better decisions.


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