Understanding how the brain removes waste and its link to Alzheimer's disease.

Understanding how the brain removes waste and its link to Alzheimer's disease.


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Understanding how the brain removes waste and its link to Alzheimer's disease.

Scientists have discovered a special system in the human brain that helps to remove waste. This system is important because a build-up of waste in the brain can lead to diseases like Alzheimer's.

Scientists have known about this waste removal system in mice for some time, but this is the first time it has been clearly seen in humans. The discovery was made using a special type of brain imaging that allowed researchers to see the system in action.

The waste removal system, called the glymphatic system, works by using cerebrospinal fluid to flush waste out of the brain. This process appears to be more active during sleep, which could explain why getting enough sleep is important for brain health.

The study was small, but it is an important step towards understanding how this waste removal system works in humans. Researchers hope that further studies will lead to new ways to measure and improve brain waste clearance.

This could lead to new treatments for Alzheimer's and other brain diseases. Scientists are also interested in studying whether things like sleep and medication can improve the function of the glymphatic system.


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What is the special system in the human brain that helps remove waste?

The special system is called the glymphatic system.

Why is the waste removal system important?

It is important because a build-up of waste in the brain can lead to diseases like Alzheimer's.

When does the waste removal system work more actively?

The waste removal system appears to be more active during sleep.


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