Norwegian soccer decides on using VAR technology in the future.

Norwegian soccer decides on using VAR technology in the future.


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Norwegian soccer decides on using VAR technology in the future.

Norwegian soccer might stop using video replays, called VAR. People will vote on whether to keep or remove VAR from the top soccer league in Norway.

VAR was added in 2023 but many people didn't like it because they didn't get to vote on it. Some fans were so upset that they threw things on the field during games to protest VAR.

Most of the top soccer clubs in Norway voted to remove VAR. However, the leaders of Norwegian soccer want to keep VAR even though many people disagree.

This weekend, all the soccer clubs in Norway will vote on whether to keep or remove VAR. Some people worry that many clubs will vote to keep VAR just to agree with the leaders.

People against VAR believe it makes soccer games less fun to watch. If Norway gets rid of VAR, it might encourage fans in other countries to also fight against it.


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What is VAR?

VAR stands for video replays used in soccer.

Why do some fans not like VAR?

Some fans do not like VAR because they feel it makes soccer games less fun to watch.

What will happen this weekend in Norwegian soccer?

All the soccer clubs in Norway will vote on whether to keep or remove VAR.


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