New study shows how space travel affects the health of space tourists.

New study shows how space travel affects the health of space tourists.


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New study shows how space travel affects the health of space tourists.

Space tourists, like astronauts, experience body changes in space. These changes are mostly temporary and return to normal back on Earth.

Scientists studied four space tourists to better understand these changes. They looked at how the body adapts to weightlessness and space radiation.

This research is important because more people are going to space. It helps us prepare for sending humans on longer space missions.

The tourists on the SpaceX flight gave blood and saliva samples. Scientists found changes in their cells and immune systems.

These findings help us understand the effects of space travel on the body. This knowledge can help us find ways to make space travel safer.


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What do space tourists experience in space?

Space tourists experience body changes in space.

Why is the research on space tourists important?

The research is important because more people are going to space and it helps prepare for longer space missions.

What did scientists study in the space tourists?

Scientists studied how the body adapts to weightlessness and space radiation.


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