Nobel Prize in Chemistry: Changing Protein Design with AI.

Nobel Prize in Chemistry: Changing Protein Design with AI.


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Nobel Prize in Chemistry: Changing Protein Design with AI.

Three scientists won a big prize called the Nobel Prize for figuring out how to understand and build proteins. Proteins are like tiny building blocks that make up all living things.

David Baker made a computer program that can build new proteins that don't exist in nature. Demis Hassabis and John Jumper used artificial intelligence to predict the shape of almost all known proteins.

Being able to design proteins could help us make new medicines and vaccines. It could also help us clean up pollution and create new materials.

Baker's team used the AI work of Hassabis and Jumper to improve their protein design program. This shows how AI can make science go faster.

This is the second Nobel Prize this year given to someone who works with artificial intelligence. The winners will get a lot of money and go to a ceremony in December.


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What is the Nobel Prize?

The Nobel Prize is a big prize given to scientists for their important work.

What did David Baker create?

David Baker made a computer program that can build new proteins.

How can designing proteins help us?

Designing proteins can help us make new medicines, vaccines, clean up pollution, and create new materials.


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