See the Show: Six Planets Line Up in February's Night Sky.

See the Show: Six Planets Line Up in February's Night Sky.


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See the Show: Six Planets Line Up in February's Night Sky.

This month, six planets are visible in the sky in a special event called a planetary parade. Most of these planets can be seen without using any special tools.

Planetary parades happen when planets look like they are lining up in the sky. These events are not rare and can happen every year.

You can see Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn without any tools. Uranus and Neptune can be seen with binoculars or telescopes.

Mars is very bright right now, and Venus and Saturn appeared very close together last weekend. To see the planets, go outside on a clear night after sunset and look south.

Venus and Saturn will be in the southwest, Jupiter in the south, and Mars in the southeast or east. You can use stargazing apps to help you find the planets in the sky.


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How many planets are visible in the sky this month?

Six planets are visible in the sky this month.

What tools do you need to see Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn?

You do not need any special tools to see Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

Where should you look to see the planets at night?

You should look south to see the planets at night.


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