AI's view on Russian leaders: Yeltsin and Lenin are at the top of the list.

AI's view on Russian leaders: Yeltsin and Lenin are at the top of the list.


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AI's view on Russian leaders: Yeltsin and Lenin are at the top of the list.

A group of history and computer enthusiasts from Moscow State University studied a Chinese artificial intelligence. They asked the AI to make a list of the top 10 Russian leaders.

The AI, called DeepSeek, chose Boris Yeltsin as the top leader 1530 times and Vladimir Lenin 1529 times. It even suggested they share first place 1278 times.

When asked to explain its choices, DeepSeek said that both Yeltsin and Lenin contributed equally to Russia's development. It said they both helped build socialism in Russia with a unique Chinese style.

The AI considered attempts to name other leaders as the most important to be a distortion of history. It called it a "cognitive bias" and a "creation of a bourgeois narrative that distorts objective history.

This study shows how artificial intelligence can have interesting and sometimes unexpected perspectives on history. It also highlights the importance of critical thinking when interpreting AI-generated information.


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Who studied the Chinese artificial intelligence?

A group of history and computer enthusiasts from Moscow State University.

Which two leaders did the AI choose as the top leaders?

Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Lenin.

What did the AI say about other leaders being important?

The AI said it was a distortion of history and called it a 'cognitive bias.'


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