Tommy Hilfiger's Big Boat Fashion Show on an Old Ferry.

Tommy Hilfiger's Big Boat Fashion Show on an Old Ferry.


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Tommy Hilfiger's Big Boat Fashion Show on an Old Ferry.

Tommy Hilfiger had a fashion show in New York City. He loves the city and wanted to do something special for his show.

Hilfiger chose to have his show on an old Staten Island Ferry boat. He thought it would be fun and different to have the show on the water.

The show ended with a surprise rap concert by the Wu-Tang Clan. Famous DJ Questlove also played music for the show.

The clothes in the show were inspired by sailing and the sea. There were stripes, comfy pants, and sweaters, all in classic American styles.

Many famous people came to the show, including actress Brooke Shields. Her daughter walked in the show as a model for the first time.


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Where did Tommy Hilfiger have his fashion show?

In New York City.

What was special about the location of the fashion show?

It was on an old Staten Island Ferry boat.

Who performed at the end of the fashion show?

The Wu-Tang Clan.


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