Finding where COVID-19 came from: New information from studying animal genes.

Finding where COVID-19 came from: New information from studying animal genes.


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Finding where COVID-19 came from: New information from studying animal genes.

Scientists are trying to find out how COVID-19 started. They think it might have come from animals at a market in China.

By looking at genetic material from the market, scientists think the virus might have come from racoon dogs, civet cats, or bamboo rats. These animals might have been infected and then brought to the market.

Knowing what kind of animals might have spread the virus can help scientists find out where it came from. For example, they can look at where those animals live and what other animals they come into contact with.

While this research suggests the virus came from animals, it doesn't completely rule out other possibilities. Some people still believe the virus might have come from a lab in China.

More research is needed to say for sure where the virus came from. Scientists are continuing to investigate and hope to learn more about how the pandemic started.


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How do scientists think COVID-19 started?

They think it might have come from animals at a market in China.

What animals do scientists think might have spread the virus?

Scientists think the virus might have come from racoon dogs, civet cats, or bamboo rats.

Is there a possibility that the virus came from a lab?

Yes, some people still believe the virus might have come from a lab in China.


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