New ideas for animal care: A debated suggestion to limit having pets.

New ideas for animal care: A debated suggestion to limit having pets.


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New ideas for animal care: A debated suggestion to limit having pets.

A Russian politician named Vitaly Milonov wants to make new rules about owning pets. He says the new rules will keep pets safe and healthy.

Milonov believes some people should not be allowed to have pets. He thinks single women and people with mental health conditions cannot properly care for animals.

Milonov made these comments on social media, using offensive language to describe single women. He plans to present these ideas to the Russian parliament soon.

If Milonov's plan is approved, the new rules about pet ownership could start in 2025. Single women and people with mental health conditions would no longer be able to own cats or dogs.

The police would be responsible for making sure people follow the new rules. People who break the rules could face fines or be forced to do community service.


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Who is Vitaly Milonov?

Vitaly Milonov is a Russian politician.

What does Milonov want to change about pet ownership?

Milonov wants to make new rules to keep pets safe and healthy.

What could happen if someone breaks the new pet ownership rules?

They could face fines or be forced to do community service.


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