Big asteroid as tall as skyscraper will pass Earth safely on Friday.

Big asteroid as tall as skyscraper will pass Earth safely on Friday.


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Big asteroid as tall as skyscraper will pass Earth safely on Friday.

An asteroid that is as big as a tall building will come close to Earth on Friday, but it will be 1.7 million miles away. There is no danger of it hitting Earth because it is very far away, much farther than the moon is from us.

This asteroid is really huge, it could be as big as some of the tallest buildings in big cities. NASA has been watching it and knows exactly how big it is.

The asteroid was found in 2008 and has a special name, 2008 OS7. It will visit near Earth again in the future, but it will be even farther away next time.

There will be more asteroids coming close to Earth this week, but they are much smaller and also not dangerous. One of them is half the size of 2008 OS7 and will come close on Sunday, but still be very far from us.

The information about space and asteroids comes from a group that studies health and science. They get help from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, but they are the ones who write the stories.


Answer the questions to the text. Speak or write, you choose. AI will assess your answers.

How big is the asteroid that will come close to Earth on Friday?

As big as a tall building.

Is there any danger of the asteroid hitting Earth?

No, it is very far away, much farther than the moon is from us.

When was the asteroid 2008 OS7 found?

It was found in 2008.


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