New study finds Liraglutide safe and good for helping young children with obesity.

New study finds Liraglutide safe and good for helping young children with obesity.


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New study finds Liraglutide safe and good for helping young children with obesity.

A new study shows that a drug used to treat obesity in adults and teenagers is safe for kids over 6 years old. The drug, combined with diet and exercise, helped these kids lose weight and improve their health.

The drug works by mimicking hormones that control appetite and digestion, helping kids feel fuller and eat less. In the study, kids who took the drug for a year lost more weight and had better health markers than those who didn't.

While the drug seems promising, it did come with some side effects like nausea and vomiting. Doctors and parents need to weigh these risks carefully, especially since we don't know the long-term effects on kids.

If approved, this drug would be the first to treat the most common type of obesity affecting over 20% of kids aged 6 to 11 in the U.S. This is a big deal because until now, kids had very limited options for treating obesity besides diet and exercise.

Experts believe that early treatment is crucial to prevent obesity and related health problems from continuing into adulthood. This new drug could be a valuable tool in the fight against childhood obesity, offering hope for a healthier future for these kids.


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What does the new study say about the drug for obesity?

The study shows that the drug is safe for kids over 6 years old and helps them lose weight when combined with diet and exercise.

What are some side effects of the drug?

The drug can cause side effects like nausea and vomiting.

Why is this drug important for treating childhood obesity?

If approved, it would be the first drug to treat the most common type of obesity in kids, offering more options besides diet and exercise.


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