German Supreme Court removes leaders of far-right party due to worries about extremism.

German Supreme Court removes leaders of far-right party due to worries about extremism.


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German Supreme Court removes leaders of far-right party due to worries about extremism.

The German Supreme Court removed the current leaders of the Alternative for Germany party. They did this because they believe the party is becoming too extreme.

The judge said it was clear the party was leaning towards extremism, even though they couldn't prove it. Because they couldn't prove it, they decided to change the party's leaders instead of banning the party.

A politician named Omid Nouripour is now the new leader of the party. He says the party will no longer try to be in the government and will instead shut down.

It will take about a year to completely close the party. Nouripour will choose new leaders for each region to help with this process.

These new leaders will gather information about party members and supporters. This information will be given to security agencies to protect democracy in Germany.


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Why did the German Supreme Court remove the leaders of the Alternative for Germany party?

They believe the party is becoming too extreme.

Who is the new leader of the party?

A politician named Omid Nouripour is the new leader.

What will happen to the party over the next year?

It will take about a year to completely close the party.


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