Understanding the Plague: A New View on an Old Disease.

Understanding the Plague: A New View on an Old Disease.


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Understanding the Plague: A New View on an Old Disease.

The plague is a rare but serious bacterial infection. It is easily treated with antibiotics if caught early.

The plague is spread by fleas that live on rodents like rats and prairie dogs. Humans can get the plague through flea bites or contact with infected animals.

Symptoms of the plague include fever, chills, headache, and swollen lymph nodes. If left untreated, the plague can be deadly.

You can prevent the plague by controlling rodents around your home and using insect repellent. Keep pets protected from fleas as well.

While there are plague vaccines, they are not widely available. Scientists are still researching better ways to prevent and treat the plague.


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What is the plague?

The plague is a rare but serious bacterial infection.

How is the plague spread?

The plague is spread by fleas that live on rodents like rats and prairie dogs.

How can you prevent the plague?

You can prevent the plague by controlling rodents around your home and using insect repellent.


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