Pope Francis: A Path of Hope Despite Health Problems.

Pope Francis: A Path of Hope Despite Health Problems.


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Pope Francis: A Path of Hope Despite Health Problems.

Pope Francis is doing better and is stable after having trouble breathing. He is still in the hospital but doesn't need a breathing machine during the day.

The Pope had to use a breathing mask at night to help him get better. He had a lot of mucus in his lungs, but doctors were able to remove it.

Even though he's sick, the Pope is still working and praying. People from his home country, Argentina, brought a special statue to the hospital to pray for him.

The Pope usually leads events during Lent, but this year he will miss some because he is sick. The Vatican said that everyone will still feel connected to him during this important time.

The Pope has been sick before and uses a wheelchair to get around. Doctors are taking good care of him and making sure he gets the right treatment.


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How is Pope Francis doing now?

He is doing better and is stable.

What did the Pope have to use at night?

He had to use a breathing mask at night.

Will the Pope lead events during Lent this year?

No, he will miss some events because he is sick.


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