Turkish authorities arrest young person who doesn't like America after attack on U.S.

Turkish authorities arrest young person who doesn't like America after attack on U.S.


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Turkish authorities arrest young person who doesn't like America after attack on U.S.

Fifteen members of a Turkish youth group were arrested in Izmir for attacking two American soldiers. The group, Turkish Youth Union, is known for its anti-American views.

The U.S. Embassy confirmed that the soldiers were safe and thanked Turkish authorities for their quick action. The U.S. National Security Council expressed concern about the assault and appreciated Turkey's response.

The Turkish Youth Union shared a video on social media showing their members putting sacks over the heads of the American soldiers. In the video, the group can be heard shouting “Yankee go home!”

The group claimed they targeted the soldiers because they believe the U.S. military is responsible for the deaths of many Turkish and Palestinian people. They stated that American soldiers are not welcome in Turkey.

The incident occurred shortly after the USS Wasp, an American Navy ship, arrived in Izmir. The ship had been participating in joint military exercises with Turkish forces in the Mediterranean Sea.


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How many members of the Turkish youth group were arrested?

Fifteen members were arrested.

What did the Turkish Youth Union do to the American soldiers?

They put sacks over the heads of the American soldiers.

Why did the group target the American soldiers?

They believe the U.S. military is responsible for the deaths of many Turkish and Palestinian people.


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